Linggo, Pebrero 26, 2012

Nasofix Review Non Surgical Nose Job

Hey guys!!

This is my factual and honest review about Nasofix!

Nasofix delivers and promise you the desired nose you wanted. I bought mine 1month ago through online. I started using it daily and at first I can’t see any changes but after many weeks I can see my nose improves and see minor changes. I want my nose to be more defined so I use this 3x a day, 15 mins each or sometimes 30 mins. Here are some of my pictures starting the time I used Nasofix.

Here is my nose before using Nasofix:

All I can say is that Nasofix really works for me, for some who says Nasofix is fake or a scam! I’ts a NO way!! Nasofix is really a true wish come true to those people who have a problem with their nose!

And here is my nose after using Nasofix for 2 weeks:

Until now I continuously using my nasofix for maintenance and to have more defined and beautiful nose!

I suggest you guys to buy Nasofix! You wont regret of having this cool device! J

3 komento:

  1. could you please send me the pic of you placing nasofix on your nose ?
    ive purchased mine but i still really cant make sure myself on how to put it on correctly . my nose problem kinda the same as yours .

    thank you

  2. I have seen many reviews but only one or two pictures......I tried to contact many of them but no reply ..........All are fake
